SocialReviver lets you customize the social network Facebook in various ways.
SocialReviver is the result of merging FB Chat Sidebar Disabler and New Profile Disabler.
- Disable the new Profiles and Pages layout ("Timeline") and return to the Classic 2011 Profiles. (NOTE: this is NOT an user-agent switcher!)
- Disable the new 2013 Home Layout ("Less Clutter") and return to the Classic Layout.
- Disable the new 2014 Home Layout ("Litestand Classic") and get the old News Feed and Groups style back.
- Disable the Chat Sidebar and return to the Old Normal Chat.
- Restore the Mobile status icon in Chat after it got removed in January 2016. (NEW!)
- Use Friend Lists in Chat to limit your availability and group your Chat contacts.
- Don't let your friends know when you read the messages they send to you in chat (experimental feature).
- Link the name in chat windows titlebar to contact's profile.
- Revert the blue top bar to the old style one.
- Stick the blue top bar at the top of the window.
- Add a shadow below the blue top bar.
- Enable or disable extension features via a settings panel.
- And many other small but useful features!
(Please note that the new profile gets disabled only in your browser; your friends will see the old version of your profile only if they have installed this extension.)
Version 4.4.9 (2016/02/23):
- Fixed many critical issues with latest FB changes.
- Fixed the Classic Blue Bar that was not working correctly anymore for some users after recent FB changes (codename RoyalBluebar).
- Fixed the search box in the Classic Blue Bar that was not being shown correctly for users without Graph Search after recent FB changes.
- Fixed Old Chat tabs that were not being displayed properly anymore after recent FB changes.
- Fixed the Old Chat Contact List search that was not working properly anymore after recent FB changes.
- Fixed the Classic Profile Wall that was not being displayed correctly anymore after recent FB changes.
- Fixed the Classic Home composer that was not being displayed correctly anymore after recent FB changes.
- Fixed the Classic Profile and Home posts Like button that was not changing to "Unlike" for liked posts after recent FB changes.
- Fixed some minor issues.
Version 4.4.8 (2016/01/15):
- Fixed many critical issues with latest FB changes.
- Fixed the Old Chat that was not working anymore after recent FB changes.
- Fixed Old Chat tabs that were not behaving properly anymore after recent FB changes.
- Fixed the Old Chat that was not handling the Mobile status correctly anymore after recent FB changes.
- Fixed the view of last active time in the Old Chat contact list that was not working anymore after recent FB changes.
- Fixed the Chat Bubbles Style toggler that was not working correctly anymore after recent FB changes.
- Fixed the Chat stickers and GIFs flyouts that were not closing after clicking on their icon or on the chat window.
- Fixed the Classic Blue Bar that was not working correctly anymore after recent FB changes.
- Fixed the Classic Home welcome box that was not being displayed anymore after recent FB changes.
- Fixed the Classic Profile Wall that was not being displayed correctly sometimes after recent FB changes.
- Fixed the Classic Profile and Home posts Like button that was not changing to "Unlike" for liked posts after recent FB changes.
- Fixed the photo viewer right column that was not showing correctly anymore after recent FB changes.
- Fixed the universal feedback interface in the old note permalink page style that was not showing correctly anymore after recent FB changes.
- Fixed some minor issues.
Version 4.4.7 (2015/11/11):
- Fixed many critical issues with latest FB changes.
- Fixed Old Chat tabs that were not behaving properly anymore after recent FB changes.
- Fixed the Chat Bubbles Style toggler that was not working correctly anymore after recent FB changes.
- Fixed the Classic Profile Wall that was not being displayed correctly anymore after recent FB changes.
- Fixed fullscreen videos that were not being displayed correctly anymore after recent FB changes.
- Added option to restore the classic chat sound.
- Added option to restore the classic notifications sound.
- Fixed some minor issues.
Version 4.4.6 (2015/08/27):
- Added option to disable the grouping of contacts by friend lists in the Old Chat.
- Added option to hide the notifications popup in the blue top bar, always or only while using games.
- Fixed the Old Chat that sometimes was not working.
- Fixed the Classic Blue Bar Account menu that was not appearing sometimes after recent FB changes.
- Fixed the Classic Blue Bar menu order that was sometimes reversed after recent FB changes.
- Fixed the Classic Profile and Home posts Like button that was not changing to "Unlike" for liked posts after recent FB changes.
- Fixed some minor issues.
Version 4.4.5 (2015/08/20):
- Fixed many critical issues with latest FB changes.
- Fixed the Old Chat that was not working anymore after recent FB changes.
- Fixed the Classic Blue Bar that was not working correctly anymore after recent FB changes.
- Fixed the Classic Profile Wall that was not being displayed correctly anymore after recent FB changes.
- Fixed the Classic Profile Byline that was oopsing when loading the Wall or Info tabs after recent FB changes.
- Fixed videos in Classic Profile posts that were not being displayed correctly anymore after recent FB changes.
- Fixed the Classic Profile post comments that were not being displayed correctly anymore after recent FB changes.
- Fixed the Classic Profile videos album that was not being displayed correctly anymore after recent FB changes.
- Fixed the Classic Home composer and welcome box that were not being displayed correctly anymore after recent FB changes.
- Fixed the Classic Events and Birthdays pages that were not being displayed correctly anymore after recent FB changes.
- Fixed the photo viewer that was misbehaving on smaller monitor resolutions (eg. netbooks) after recent FB changes.
- Added option to hide flash notifications in the lower-left corner of the screen, always or only while using games.
- Fixed some minor issues.
Version 4.4.4 (2015/04/23):
- Fixed small delay in extension loading that could have happened sometimes after recent FB changes.
- Fixed Old Chat tabs that were not behaving properly sometimes when receiving a new message after recent FB changes.
- Fixed friend selector in Old Chat that was not allowing the user to add friends to a conversation anymore after recent FB changes.
- Fixed the Classic Profile that was not being rendered correctly anymore when switching tabs after recent FB changes.
- Fixed videos in Classic Profile Posts that were not being displayed correctly anymore after recent FB changes.
- Fixed some minor issues.
Version 4.4.3 (2015/04/05):
- Fixed the Classic Blue Bar Account menu that was not behaving properly anymore after recent FB changes.
- Fixed Old Chat tabs that were not behaving properly anymore after recent FB changes.
- Fixed the Old Chat Contact List search that was not behaving properly anymore after recent FB changes.
- Fixed the Old Chat friend list reordering that was not working anymore after recent FB changes.
- Fixed videos in Classic Profile Posts that were not being displayed correctly anymore after recent FB changes.
- Fixed the search box in the Classic Blue Bar that was not being shown correctly anymore after recent FB changes.
- Fixed Classic Groups that were not being rendered correctly anymore after recent FB changes.
- Fixed the Classic Profile Wall that was not always being rendered correctly after recent FB changes.
- Fixed the Classic Profile photo albums and videos sections that were not being loaded correctly sometimes.
- Fixed the Classic Home right column that was not behaving correctly anymore while scrolling the page after recent FB changes.
- Fixed some minor issues.
Version 4.4.2 (2014/12/17):
- Fixed Old Chat buddy list that sometimes wasn't opening anymore after recent FB changes.
- Fixed the blue top bar that was not behaving correctly anymore after recent FB changes.
- Fixed various issues with internal error handling not working correctly anymore after recent FB changes.
- Fixed Old Chat buddy list that sometimes scrolled to top automatically, against the user's will, on its reload, after recent FB changes.
- Fixed Old Chat that was not handling the Idle status correctly anymore after recent FB changes.
- Added option to list idle friends (who have FB open but are not using it) in the Old Chat contact list.
- Fixed some minor issues.
Version 4.4.1 (2014/11/30):
- Fixed many critical issues with latest FB changes.
- Fixed delay in extension loading after recent FB changes.
- Fixed the blue bar that was not being loaded consistently after recent FB changes.
- Fixed the extension settings that were not showing in the Smurfbar Account menu after recent FB changes.
- Fixed the Classic Profile Wall that was showing posts with bad border and padding.
- Fixed the Classic Profile that was not showing action buttons at the top-right corner of the page after recent FB changes.
- Fixed the Info tab in Classic User Profile that was not working anymore after recent FB changes.
- Fixed some profile pictures that were not being loaded anymore after recent FB changes.
- Fixed Info, Photos and Insights tabs in Fan Pages that were not showing up correctly anymore after recent FB changes.
- Fixed the Chat Bubbles Style toggler that was not working correctly anymore after recent FB changes.
- Fixed the option to hide the right column inside games that was not working correctly anymore after recent FB changes.
- Fixed the search box in the Friends tab of the Old Profile.
- Fixed profile picture in the Account menu that could have been blurry for some users.
- Fixed some minor issues.
Version 4.5 (yet to be released):
- FIXME Classic Profile for Fan Pages with the updated Timeline (codename Finch).
- FIXME the Chat buddy list in the home left column that was not working anymore after recent FB changes.
Version 4.4 (2014/03/28):
- Added option to disable Litestand Classic and get the old News Feed and Groups style back, along with the Chat Buddy List in the Home Left Column.
- Fixed Old Chat that was not working correctly anymore after recent FB changes.
- Fixed minor aesthetical issues with the Old Profile.
- Fixed some minor issues.
Version 4.3 (2013/12/22):
- Fixed compatibility problems with Firefox 26.
- Improved performance by replacing Mutation Events with Mutation Observers.
- Fixed Old Chat that was not working correctly anymore after recent FB changes.
- Fixed the Chat Bubbles Style toggler that was not working anymore after recent FB changes.
- Fixed contact dialog that was not working correctly anymore after recent FB changes.
- Fixed extension localization that was not being loaded correctly anymore after recent FB changes.
- Fixed the name in the blue top bar that could have appeared twice for some users.
- Fixed home page left column for users that have got an hybrid layout from FB, with new left column and old home page.
- Improved handling of Old Profile Tabs.
- Added experimental option to restore the ticker for Litestand/Less Clutter Home users.
- Added option to toggle the view of last active time in the Old Chat contact list.
- Added experimental options to toggle some of the new features of the Messages jewel in the blue bar.
- Fixed some minor issues.
Version 4.2 (2013/08/09):
- Fixed the blue top bar that was not behaving correctly anymore after recent FB changes.
- Fixed the graph search bar and results page that were not working correctly for some people.
- Fixed left bar that was not being hid anymore after recent FB changes.
- Fixed Old Chat that was not working correctly anymore after recent FB changes.
- Fixed Old Chat List Re-order Mode that was not working anymore after recent FB changes.
- Fixed left navigation icons in the Classic Home that were not being displayed correctly after recent FB changes.
- Fixed Old Profile Info Tab that was showing a blank page instead of the profile info after recent FB changes.
- Fixed top buttons for Old Style Photo Albums that were not being displayed correctly after recent FB changes.
- Fixed full width photos in the litestand newsstand (new home page).
- Added option to toggle the Find Friends link in the blue bar.
- Added experimental option to show the user's name and profile picture in the old blue bar.
- Added experimental option to link the Home button in the blue bar to the Recent feed (Litestand/Less Clutter Home users only).
- Added experimental support for Firefox for Android (Fennec) in desktop mode (it works only on www.facebook.com, not on m.facebook.com).
- Added experimental support for Opera 15 (you need to install the Google Chrome version in Opera 15 for now).
- Fixed some minor issues.
Version 4.1 (2013/05/26):
- Fixed Old Chat that was not working correctly anymore after recent FB changes.
- Fixed Old Chat search that was not showing all contacts anymore after some past FB change.
- Fixed Classic Chat Tabs Style that was not working correctly anymore after recent FB changes.
- Fixed the Chat Bubbles Style toggler that was not working anymore after recent FB changes.
- Fixed the blue top bar for users with Graph Search (codename fbFacebar).
- Fixed game posts in the Classic Home that were not being displayed correctly sometimes.
- Fixed some minor issues.
Version 4.0 (2013/05/03):
- The 'Less Clutter' new Home, News Feed and Groups layout (codenames Litestand, Newsstand, xuiPage) can now be disabled.
- The Litestand chat and navigation sidebar can now be disabled.
- The new type of blue top bar (codenames Smurfbar, fbHeaderTest) can now be disabled.
- Chat Bubbles Style can now be toggled (experimental feature).
- Fixed critical issues with the Old Chat menus after recent FB changes.
- Fixed annoying issues with the Old Profile photo albums after recent FB changes.
- Fixed issues with the Old Profile left navigation menu after recent FB changes.
- Fixed issues that prevented deleting separated game posts in the Old Profile.
- Fixed issues that prevented the Page Admin Panel from working in the Old Profile.
- Fixed some minor issues.
Version 3.21 (2013/04/05):
- Fixed critical and annoying issues with the Old Profile after recent FB changes.
- The Old Profile engine should be more stable now.
- Optimized Old Chat sorting and search functions for more speed and less CPU usage.
- Fixed some minor issues.
Version 3.20 (2013/03/29):
- Rewritten extension loader (this should fix the lost settings issue in recent versions of Chrome).
- Restored left navigation links in Old Profile that went away for some users after some recent FB change.
- Fixed some minor issues.
Version 3.19 (2013/03/15):
- Fixed Old Profile for users with the updated Timeline.
- Fixed issue after recent FB changes that prevented chat friend lists from working properly.
- Fixed Old Pages Profile Info Tab that was showing a blank page instead of the page info.
- Added option to restore the old note permalink page style.
- Added option to restore the old footer style.
- Fixed some minor issues.
Version 3.18 (2013/01/24):
- Fixed critical issues with the Chat after some FB changes.
- Fixed some minor issues.
Version 3.17 (2013/01/13):
- A lot of code has been optimized (the extension should be a lot faster than before).
- The Opera version uses much less CPU than before, and it should be significantly faster.
- Fixed lockups due to bugs in the Facebook code handling chat contact list data updates.
- The Settings dialog has been renewed.
- Added checkbox to disable the extension from the Account menu.
- Added option to disable the Settings Cloud and fallback to manual import/export of preferences.
- Fixed some minor issues.
Version 3.16 (2012/12/12):
- Fixed a lot of critical issues with latest FB changes.
- Fixed some minor issues.
Version 3.15 (2012/10/08):
- Fixed critical issues with latest FB changes.
- The new Wall tab type has been significantly improved.
- Added option to split aggregated game posts into single posts in the new Wall tab type.
- Added option to add the time next to the date of Wall posts older than one day in the new Wall tab type.
- The old Wall tab type is deprecated and will stop working. Please switch to the new Wall tab type in the settings.
- Fixed some minor issues.
Version 3.14 (2012/09/12):
- Chatting while the photo viewer is open caused it to close after recent FB changes, this has been fixed.
- Fixed a change in FB that made the person's or Page's name on top of the Classic Profile to disappear.
- Fixed some minor issues.
Version 3.13 (2012/09/02):
- Added megaphone to explain how to get unaggregated game posts back by switching to the old Classic Profile Wall.
- Recent activity can now be hidden in the new Classic Profile Wall.
- Fixed some minor issues.
Version 3.12 (2012/09/01):
- The Classic Profile Wall code has been rewritten from scratch.
- The Classic Profile Wall now supports Timeline features such as Milestones, Post Highlighting, Pin-To-Top for Page posts, etc.
- The Classic Profile is a lot faster than before.
- Fixed some minor issues.
Version 3.11 (2012/08/22):
- Fixed Classic Profile while viewing photos and photo albums.
- Avoid showing the welcome box every time one logs in to FB with Chrome in incognito mode.
- The "Show the box for Recent Posts by Others" Page admin setting is now reflected in the Classic Page Profile Wall posts initial filter.
- Added option to override the default initial filter for Page Wall posts.
- Added Serbian translation.
- Fixed gear menu for posts made by other people on Pages when the page is seen in Classic mode by a page admin.
- Fixed some minor issues.
Version 3.10 (2012/08/01):
- Fixed critical issues with latest FB changes.
- The chat has been fixed to work after July 31, 2012 FB updates.
- The new bluebar code has been optimized.
- Fixed some minor issues.
Version 3.9 (2012/07/27):
- Fixed critical issues with latest FB changes.
- The old bluebar code has been rewritten to try to avoid a page-lock for some users after July 24, 2012 FB updates.
- Fixed some minor issues.
Version 3.8 (2012/07/22):
- Fixed critical issues with latest FB changes.
- Fixed some critical issues in certain versions of Google Chrome.
- Fixed the Chat Friend Lists menu that was empty after some FB update.
- Fixed the friend lists reordering in Chat.
- Simplified option to mark incoming messages as read as soon as they arrive when a chat window is already open.
- Some legacy code has been optimized (the extension should be a bit faster now).
- Removed the left align reverter option since Facebook removed the possibility for the page to be aligned to the left.
- Fixed some minor issues.
Version 3.7 (2012/06/27):
- Fixed settings dialog that sometimes was not applying changes to the select boxes.
- Applied better fix to the beta bluebar problem.
- Fixed the classic chat style that was not always working while in sidebar mode.
- Fixed some minor issues.
Version 3.6 (2012/06/26):
- Fixed critical issues with latest FB changes.
- Fixed some minor issues.
Version 3.5 (2012/06/22):
- Fixed page that was randomly reloading after some seconds for a few users.
- Removed experimental option to change the chat icon type, since Facebook removed support for it.
- Fixed some minor issues.
Version 3.4 (2012/06/20):
- Fixed critical issues with latest FB changes.
- Fixed Old Profile Wall that was redirecting to a blank page after half-loading.
- Fixed some minor issues.
Version 3.3 (2012/06/18):
- Fixed settings backend that was not saving settings for some users.
- Fixed photo uploading and link posting in Pages while using the Old Profile, again (FB re-broke this on 06/14 after 3.2 release).
- Fixed top blue bar issues after latest FB changes.
- Fixed some minor issues.
Version 3.2 (2012/06/14):
- Fixed photo uploading and link posting in Pages while using the Old Profile.
- Fixed Old Profile that was not loading correctly all the times.
- Added experimental option to try to fix top bar issues that may be caused by other extensions after June 12, 2012 FB Updates.
- Fixed some minor issues.
Version 3.1 (2012/06/13):
- Fixed critical issues with latest FB changes.
- Fixed top blue bar that might become transparent after latest FB changes.
- Fixed buddy list in the home left column that was showing less friends than normal in some cases.
- Added experimental option to mark chat messages as read as soon as they arrive, preventing chat window titlebar to flash.
- Fixed some issues with right-to-left (RTL) languages.
- Fixed some minor issues.
Version 3.0 (2012/06/09):
- FB Chat Sidebar Disabler and New Profile Disabler have been merged in SocialReviver.
- The settings dialog has been renewed and simplified.
- Extension settings are now synced anonymously in the cloud.
- Friends using Mobile Chat apps are now identified with a mobile icon.
- Added option to list friends using Mobile Chat apps in the buddy list.
- Added experimental option to not let your friends know when you read the messages they send to you in chat.
- Removed option to enable/disable home ticker since Facebook has added the ability to do so.
- Removed option to enable/disable games ticker since Facebook has deprecated the games ticker.
- Added option to disable the New Profile only for user profiles or fan pages.
- Fixed Friends section in the left column for user profiles when Classic Profile is enabled.
- Fixed album reordering and photo loading in the photos tab when Classic Profile is enabled.
- Removed Classic Profile view while using the "View As" feature.
- Fixed left navigation "remove item" entry in the Classic Profile.
- Fixed friend lists reordering in Chat.
- Fixed some minor issues.
Version 2.4.8 (2012/04/22):
- Fixed sticky buddylist option that was not working when opening a conversation from the buddylist.
- Some legacy code has been renewed and optimized.
- Fixed conflict when the extension has been installed more than once by the user.
- Fixed some minor issues.
Version 2.4.7 (2012/04/11):
- Fixed critical issues with latest FB changes.
- Fixed buddylist scrolling issues after latest FB updates.
- Fixed some options in the buddylist that were not being saved anymore.
- Fixed notification popup window that was shifted 50px to the right.
- Removed support for the old FB chat backend (pre-Blackbird) not in use anymore.
- Added option to keep the chat and/or notifications on top of everything or not.
- Added ability to reorder the Whitelist and Other Friends lists too.
- Fixed some minor issues.
Version 2.4.6 (2012/03/30):
- Fixed critical issues with latest FB changes.
- Fixed account menu issues.
- Fixed notification flyout that was being cutted when there were a lot of notifications.
- Fixed blue color in chat tab when a new message is received.
- Fixed some minor issues.
Version 2.4.5 (2012/03/08):
- Fixed critical issues with latest FB changes.
- Added an option to realign the layout to the center instead of the new FB default (left).
- Restored the option to disable reverting of the blue top bar to the old style one.
- Fixed some minor issues.
Version (2012/02/21):
- Fixed settings dialog that has been broken by mistake in 2.4.4.
Version 2.4.4 (2012/02/21):
- Fixed critical issues with latest FB changes.
- Fixed friend lists hiding that was not working all of the times.
- Fixed some minor issues.
Version 2.4.3 (2012/02/09):
- Improved compatibility with the new friend lists system (Blackbird).
- Fixed some minor issues.
Version 2.4.2 (2012/02/05):
- Fixed friend lists that were not working for some Blackbird-enabled users.
- Fixed some minor issues.
Version 2.4.1 (2012/02/04):
- Added a dialog to easily report debug info to developers.
- Fixed Firefox extension that was hanging the browser and endlessly eating memory.
- Added SeaMonkey compatibility for the Mozilla version.
- Fixed some minor issues.
Version 2.4 (2012/02/02):
- Added support for new FB chat privacy backend (codename Blackbird).
- Removed the need for the Platform app for Blackbird-enabled users.
- Fixed "Go Offline" option that wasn't working anymore for some users after recent FB changes.
- Fixed list that sometimes was empty right after going online.
- Fixed chat window gear popup that was being displayed under the buddy list.
- Fixed some minor issues.
Version 2.3.3 (2012/01/29):
- Emphatized the need to fix friend lists by coloring with red the "Friend Lists" button in the buddy list.
- Added option to hide right column in games.
- Optimized friend lists fix.
- Fixed chat that wasn't loading correctly all the times.
- Fixed offline contacts that sometimes were listed as online after recent FB changes.
- Fixed some minor issues.
Version 2.3.2 (2012/01/08):
- Fixed Restricted friend list.
- Fixed some friend lists issues.
- Fixed issues with right-to-left (RTL) languages.
- Fixed some localization issues.
- Fixed some minor issues.
Version 2.3.1 (2012/01/07):
- Simplified method to fix friend lists: just click the "Friend Lists" button in the buddy list.
- Fixed friend lists reordering.
- Fixed an issue with friend lists not being shown even if they were loaded correctly via the Graph API.
- Fixed some minor issues.
Version 2.3 (2012/01/06):
- Fixed friend lists after recent FB changes; you need to fix friend lists from the settings dialog in order to make them working.
- Preferences are now being saved per-FB-user and not per-browser.
- Fixed friend lists using FB Graph API for Opera users too (needs user opt-in as usual).
- Fixed buddy list updating too often with the extension, after some recent FB changes.
- Fixed some minor issues.
Version 2.2.6 (2011/12/15):
- Fixed Other Friends list that was empty or not complete for some users.
- Fixed some minor issues.
Version 2.2.5 (2011/12/14):
- Fixed chat windows not being opened for some users.
- Fixed some minor issues.
Version 2.2.4 (2011/12/13):
- Fixed critical issues with latest FB changes.
- Fixed left column in home that was showing again offline friends too.
- Some internal code changes.
- Fixed some minor issues.
Version 2.2.3 (2011/12/07):
- Fixed "Something went wrong..." error.
- Fixed some minor issues.
Version 2.2.2 (2011/12/07):
- Added friend list rename dialog (click on the list name in the buddy list).
- Fixed some friend list issues (all friends were appearing into the Other Friends list for some users).
- Fixed newly created friend lists that were not working properly.
- Fixed new FB behavior when disabling all friend lists.
- Fixed edit friend lists dialog that wasn't refreshing chat list after applying changes.
- Fixed some minor issues.
Version 2.2.1 (2011/11/17):
- Fixed some minor issues.
Version 2.2 (2011/11/15):
- Fixed critical issues with latest FB changes.
- Fixed random opening/closing of buddy list when multiple FB windows/tabs are opened.
- Improved friend lists reordering backend method.
- Improved miscellaneous code.
- Fixed friend lists showing/hiding.
- Fixed some memory leaks.
- Fixed some minor issues.
Version 2.1.1 (2011/11/08):
- Fixed 'Profile' link in the old bluebar.
Version 2.1 (2011/11/07):
- Fixed friend lists reordering.
- Fixed memory leak by replacing a repeated function with an event-driven function.
- Fixed some minor issues.
Version 2.0 (2011/11/01):
- Added settings dialog.
- Added setting to enable/disable chat sidebar.
- Added setting to enable/disable linked name in chat windows titlebar.
- Added setting to enable/disable top bar style reversion.
- Added setting to enable/disable top bar sticking.
- Added setting to enable/disable top bar shadowing.
- Added setting to enable/disable home ticker.
- Added setting to enable/disable games ticker.
- Fixed edit list link in the buddy list.
- Fixed friend lists using FB Graph API (needs user opt-in).
- Fixed some minor issues.
Version (2011/10/25):
- Fixed critical issues with latest FB changes.
Version (2011/10/19):
- Fixed critical issues with latest FB changes.
Version 1.9.7 (2011/10/12):
- Fixed critical issues with latest FB changes.
Version 1.9.6 (2011/10/05):
- Restored idle status icons so idle status appears if FB sends it.
- Fixed link to contact profile in chat tab titlebar.
- Fixed some issues with latest FB changes.
- Fixed some minor issues.
Version 1.9.5 (2011/09/21):
- Fixed some issues with latest FB changes.
Version 1.9.4 (2011/09/17):
- Fixed some minor issues with latest FB changes.
Version 1.9.3 (2011/09/15):
- Fixed uiScrollableArea issues with latest FB updates.
- Fixed some minor issues.
Version 1.9.2 (2011/09/08):
- Fixed chat list contacts disappearing and reappearing.
- Fixed chat list enabling.
- Fixed some minor issues.
Version 1.9.1 (2011/09/02):
- Fixed (hopefully all) top bar issues.
Version 1.9 (2011/09/01):
- Added French localization.
- Added Turkish localization, thanks to İsmail Aksu.
- Added Kurdish localization, thanks to Serhat Elçi.
- Added video calling support.
- Added about dialog.
- Fixed pollution of TinyMCE iframe in Firefox (notes & groups documents).
- Fixed online contacts count in the chat button.
- Opera memory leaks and CPU usage should be fixed.
- Fixed setTimeout and setInterval when changing page.
- Fixed contacts search.
- Fixed some minor issues.
Version 1.8-ffbuild1 (2011/08/05):
- Fixed empty list in Firefox when searching in buddy list.
Version 1.8 (2011/08/05):
- The script doesn't run anymore if FB didn't enable the sidebar to the user.
- Added version number in buddy list title, shown on mouse over.
- Changed license to CC BY-NC-ND 3.0.
- Fixed disappearing contacts after some time.
- Fixed FB beta changes.
- Fixed some minor issues.
Version 1.7 (2011/07/31):
- Added manual buddy list refresh option.
- Added restartless feature in Firefox wrapper.
- Fixed long names not showing when contacts are typing.
- Fixed popped out chat closing after some seconds.
- Fixed FB rendering function that made buddy list always showing "Loading..." in some cases.
- Fixed empty list when searching in buddy list.
- Fixed some minor issues.
Version 1.6 (2011/07/28):
- Fixed FB comparing function that made buddy list always showing "Loading..." in some cases.
- Fixed buddy list scrolling bug.
- Fixed some minor issues.
Version 1.5 (2011/07/27):
- Fixed buddy list not showing or always showing "Loading...".
- Fixed pollution of FB notes creation/editing.
Version 1.4 (2011/07/26):
- Added Bulgarian localization, thanks to Petar Stani.
- Added link to contact profile in chat tab titlebar.
- Fixed some issues with old-style chat tabs.
- Fixed some minor issues.
Version 1.3 (2011/07/25):
- Added old-style chat tabs.
Version 1.2 (2011/07/25):
- Added Opera support.
- Added Changelog.
- Fixed FB latest changes.
- Fixed loading bug.
Version 1.1 (2011/07/24):
- Fixed localization in English and Italian
- Now works in Chrome and Firefox 3.6.17 - 5.0
Version 1.0:
- First public release.
Changed your mind? Click here to disable SocialReviver
The extension is not an official product from Facebook, Inc. SocialReviver was not made by Facebook, Inc.
Facebook is a registered trademark of Facebook, Inc. Please read terms of use before installing.
Please note that VittGam.net is completely unaffiliated with the Italian company "Vittgam S.r.l.".
SocialReviver was NOT made by that company and is NOT a product of that company, nor it has EVER been.